Read each of the following. Respond in detail to the one that sparks thought in you the most:1.
Independence: What do you like about growing up? What don't you like about it? When do you like to be on your own? When do you like to have help?
Selfishness: With whom do you have to share things? When do you think a kid should be expected to share? When do you think a kid should have the choice not to share? Do you think your parents are fair about what they expect you to share? What does it mean to be "selfish"? Are you ever selfish?
Pets: Have you ever had a pet? What are the responsibilities as far as taking care of the pet? What happens if you do not care for your pet?
Running Away: Have you ever run away or thought about it? If so, why? What happened? What other solution could you have tried?
Loneliness: Brainstorm what enters your mind when you hear the word "loneliness." Has their ever been a time in your life that you've been filled with loneliness? Describe that time. What can make a person feel lonely?
Be sure to label your post, for example, "#3. Pets", or "#5. Loneliness."
For extra credit, respond in detail to a second prompt. Posts are due: Friday, Feb. 2nd.